print(‘//****************************************’) print(‘// DSC510_Final Project-Weather’) print(‘// Course: DSC510_Introduction to programming-Python’) print(‘// Author Name: Soukhna Wade ‘) print(‘// Date: 11/20/2020’) print(‘//*****************************************\n’)
import requests from pprint import pprint
Global Variables
Note that there are restrictions on the “Free API” Make sure that you don’t submit too many requests
apiKey = “c05250b637031a772b7adbfe110350c5” url = “” headers = { ‘cache-control’: “no-cache”, }
This method will do a weather lookup by city by taking the city as a parameter
def retrieveWeatherByCity(city): querystring = {“q”: city + “,us”, “units”: “imperial”, “APPID”: apiKey} try: response = requests.request(“GET”, url, headers=headers, params=querystring) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print(e)
This method will do a weather lookup by zip
This method takes the zipCode as a parameter
def retrieveWeatherByZip(zipCode): querystring = {“zip”: zipCode + “,us”, “units”: “imperial”, “APPID”: apiKey} try: response = requests.request(“GET”, url, headers=headers, params=querystring) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print(e)
# print(response.url)
# print(response.text)
The following method will parse the weather data, present that weather data to the user then takes the response as a parameter
def parseWeather(response): weatherJSON = response.json()
# print(weatherJSON) This is a great troubleshooting line which can be quickly enabled to see your JSON
pressure = weatherJSON['main']['pressure']
temp = weatherJSON['main']['temp']
maxTemp = weatherJSON['main']['temp_max']
minTemp = weatherJSON['main']['temp_min']
humidity = weatherJSON['main']['humidity']
clouds = weatherJSON['clouds']['all']
if (clouds > 75):
cloudiness = "Full Cloud Cover"
elif (clouds > 50 and clouds < 75):
cloudiness = "Partial Cloud Cover"
cloudiness = "Minimual Cloud Cover"
print("\nCurrent Weather Conditions For " + weatherJSON['name'])
print("Current Temp: " + str(temp) + " degrees")
print("High Temp: " + str(maxTemp) + " degrees")
print("Low Temp: " + str(minTemp) + " degrees")
print("Pressure: " + str(pressure) + "hPa")
print("Humidity: " + str(humidity) + "%")
print("Cloud Cover: " + cloudiness)
””” This mian method will prompt the user to make a selection between doing a weather lookup based upon city or zipcode The main method will then call a method to do the weather lookup based upon whether the user entered a city or zip “””
def main(): runApp = True # The program should allow the user to run it multiple times. This is one way to do that. while runApp: lookupType = input( “\nWould you like to lookup weather data by US City or zip code? Enter 1 for US City 2 for zip: “)
if (lookupType == "1"):
city = input("Please Enter The City Name: ")
elif (lookupType == "2"):
zipCode = input("Please enter the zip code: ")
print("Enter a valid option. Please enter 1 to lookup by city. Enter 2 to lookup by zip code")
runApp = input("\nWould you like to perform another weather lookup? (Y/N): ").lower()
if runApp in 'n':
if name == “main”: main()